How To Use LemonSqueezy as a Payment Processor for Your Bubble SaaS App

Sonny Huynh
10 min readApr 9, 2023

Alright, you’ve been working on this awesome app of yours, and it is finally time for you to make some money off of it. Now you want to collect payments, but you don’t really know exactly how. One thing that probably comes immediately to mind is, “Oh, we can just use Stripe,” but the problem with using Stripe is when you want to sell across multiple states, if you’re in the US, or if you want to sell to folks in different countries, there are a lot of weird tax rules, and it could be quite a bit of a headache. I remember just looking through tax laws in Texas versus California versus New York, and they were all different.

Taking data from a client and then doing something with it is taxable with a different rate than if you were to just be consulting or something like that. You really have two options: you can either try to figure out what the tax implications are going to be at every single location where you have a person who might be using your app, or number two, a little bit easier is you can use something like Lemon Squeezy or Paddle. These essentially allow you to say, “Hey, clients are going to pay you, the money processor, and then you are going to pay me.” So technically, the clients aren’t paying you at all, so you don’t have to deal with all those tax implications. And Lemon Squeezy, Paddle, or whoever else does…



Sonny Huynh

I hope I can motivate others to want to start building! Happy to help folks with their next project