Use GPT Assistants to Add Leverage To Your Business

Sonny Huynh
9 min readNov 10, 2023

Earlier this week, OpenAI cause quite the ruckus when they announced the release of Assistants, which are specific versions GPTs that can do whatever you need them to do i.e chefGPT, doctorGPT, accountantGPT, you name it. You don’t need any coding knowledge to set them up, they’re stupid cheap to utilize, and of course there’s a pretty simple API you can tap into to integrate directly into your business.

I’m going to spare you the direct regurgitation of the presentation — instead, I want to dive into use cases that will help you in your day to day.

Getting Started Is Easy

Just make an OpenAI account, connect your credit card, go to OpenAI playground, create assistant.

Now figure out what you want to build (Skip down if you just want to see some ideas)

Now in human language, you need to come up with instructions for the actual steps that the assistant would take, even if at a high level and it would go from there. (See below of what this looks like)

Assistant building screen

Real Life Example:

  • I made one that was a marketing assistant. I started by telling them what frameworks I wanted to use -> specifically the StoryBrand frame work. I told it to ask the user a bunch of questions to about…



Sonny Huynh

I hope I can motivate others to want to start building! Happy to help folks with their next project